The Benefits of Advertising Using Google Ads

Online advertising use has grown exponentially in recent years as the digital era continues to boom. Google is everyone’s go-to search engine, providing a plethora of information for any search query you may have.
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November 1, 2021

Online advertising use has grown exponentially in recent years as the digital era continues to boom. Google is everyone’s go-to search engine, providing a plethora of information for any search query you may have. Did you know that it is also an established platform for advertising?

You have most likely seen ads pop up even in your most recent search! With a wide variety of metrics, online advertising allows you to easily attract a targeted audience with brand engagement and optimization. Read below to find out more benefits of advertising using Google Ads!

Top Benefits of using Google Ads:

Target your ads

  • Google Ads allows you to show your advertisement to the right audience at the right time. Your ad will only show up if  it is relevant to what the user is searching for, allowing for more conversions. There are multiple ways to target your audience including keywords, ad location, age, days, times and frequency! What happens if  you  don’t get as many conversions as hoped for? Google Ads allows you to do remarketing campaigns to attract  the leads that were once interested in your ad.  

Control Spend

  • You are in complete control of how much you want to spend on your advertisements whether it is per month, per day, or per advertisement. Google uses pay-per-click advertising (PPC) so you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement.

You can Track Success!

  • With Google Ads, you are able to track if someone clicked on your ad and if they turned into a conversion. Additionally, there are several useful analytical tools to help you measure where to invest in your campaign.

Manage Multiple Accounts

  • If  you  are responsible for managing multiple accounts, My Client Center (MCC) manager account allows you to easily view all accounts at once.


  • One of  the biggest differences between advertising on Google and advertising on other digital  platforms is the intent of the people being reached. If you advertise on Facebook or Instagram, users are not there looking to purchase a product or service, they  are there solely to check their status and post life updates! With Google, your ads show up when someone inputs a search query related to what you are advertising. Your ad helps them find what they are looking for!

Want us to manage your campaign for you? PHENYX currently manages over twenty different accounts on Google, focusing on increasing return on investment. As a business owner, we understand your time is valuable and you may not be able to focus  your time on digital advertising.

That is one of our many capabilities! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your marketing efforts!

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November 1, 2021
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